Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Best Place to Hunker Down in the Event of a Zombie Apocalypse? It's not where you think..

Skip the supermarket and head straight to your local college library 

What do you think? Would a library work? What are your best survival methods in the event of zombies? Comment below...

(via Bustle)                                                                                                                                         

Monday, October 26, 2015

Election 2016

Trying to decide which candidate you love (or love to hate)? GOP and Dem Debates got you down? Check out these political quizzes and get some help finding out where you stand:

Then comment below and let us know which way the political wind blows:

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Google Hacks and Tips

It's not a secret that Google is usually your first stop online, whether it's sports scores, Kanye lyrics, or yes, even research for school. And if you're going to use Google, maybe you should make sure you're using it right. Below are some tips, hacks, and tricks to help you find what you want even if you aren't feeling lucky.  (via Mashable)